
Trio Mandili - Psalm 50 (51) Aramaic

Advent Hymn ~ Christy Nockels ~ lyric video

Agni Parthene (Romanian/Arabic/Greek) - Ribale Wehbé , Arch. Mihail Buca...

Trio Mandili - Galoba (The Prayer) and English lyrics

Syriac Orthodox Hymn "Shlom Lekh"

奇异恩典 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace

The Altar Billies - Head'n Out West (ROCKABILLY/COUNTRY-BILLY)

Ex Muslim Christian girl explains her life in Iran :: Lovely Testimony ...

Ψαλμός Ν' 50 Ἐλέησόν με ὁ Θεός. Greek chant Psalm 50/51 - Greek and English texts

Lectionary Podcast - Proper 14 - Series C - Old Testament

Lectionary Podcast - Ash Wednesday - Series C - Epistle / 2 Corinthians 5:20b - 6:10

Свете Тихий, валаамский распев + слова

Lectionary Podcast - Epiphany 6 - Series C - Gospel - Luke 6:17-26