Lectionary Podcast - Pentecost - Series C - John 14:23-31 with Prof. Jef... on May 14, 2016 Bible Lutheran New Testament +
VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS - Giovanni Vianini (Lyrics: Latin and English) on May 14, 2016 Medieval chant Music +
Lectionary Podcast - Easter 7 - Series C - John 17:20-26 with Dr. Charle... on May 07, 2016 Bible Lutheran New Testament +
Lectionary Podcast - Ascension-Series B-Luke 24:44-53 with Dr. Arthur Just on May 04, 2016 Bible Lutheran New Testament +
"On Christ's Ascension I Now Build" Lutheran Service Book LSB #492 (Lyrics) on May 04, 2016 Lutheran Music +
When You Feel Like Giving Up with Rick Warren (Korean Subtitles) on May 01, 2016 Evangelical Spirituality +